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About Membership Levels

Q: How are age groups used on the PGR website?

A: Once upon a time, PGR organized sections the website by age groups for PGR offspring.  As the focus on age decreased, all minors were placed in one group. The only significant ages are 18 and 24 years old. Membership levels for our offspring are: youth up to 17 years old, Young Adults aged 18 to 23, and Adult members of PGR (our former youth/YA now 24 and older).

The primary use of this web site among PGR youth and YA is to use the membership directory to find one another, and to post some photos and videos.  Most day-to-day communication among the PGR youth and young adults takes place on other social media platforms.

The Youth and Young Adult pages of the PGR Web site are private to those age groups, although they may be moderated by PGR volunteers; they are designed to be acceptable to everyone in that age group.

This site also supports private spaces for parents and adults.

Q: How do parents control their child(ren)'s online access?

A: If a parent or guardian does not believe their child or children should have access to these private spaces for our young people, please let us know via your family's 'primary parent' profile by listing the name(s) under YOUR CHILDREN "One or more of my children does not have my permission to have a profile on the PGR web site".

Additionally, PGR does not create any family member's profiles until the primary parent in the household confirms that the email is correct, so there is always notice that a request has been made. If you have questions, please email our Profile Manager at

Q: What does YA mean? 
A: Young Adult. In PGR, we use ages as little as possible. The YA distinction is to acknowledge those members 18 - 23 years old as adults but to identify them as a special group.

For example, PGR practice had been that YA are not to be the primary adult supervising children. This means that 18-23 year olds were not asked to be in a position of supervising 15-17 year olds.

  © PGRetreat 2010 - 2024

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