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Our Mission

PG Retreat is an organization directed by and for its members, cultivating lifelong communities of support, and enriching the lives of profoundly gifted children and their families.

Our families and the professionals who serve them engage with one another, providing learning opportunities, and fostering lasting friendships among true peers. The community connects during our summer retreats, member-run gatherings, and through a rich and dynamic online community year-round. 

Who are we?

PGR is a member-run organization where we run everything from registration to finances to workshops. When all families are involved, everyone benefits. Members, read more about PGR Positions. PGR is only as good as its members' contributions. We truly are a self-organized gathering and if you join, please expect to contribute your time and talents.

The Columbus Group defines gifted as "asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally." (The Columbus Group, 1991) The profoundly gifted are the outliers of this population.

Our Commitment to Diversity

PGR is open to all, regardless of citizenship, faith, or origin. 

We believe in celebrating the differences that make a good organization great, and in leveraging individual strengths to create an innovative, inclusive and unified organization that prepares our profoundly gifted children to excel in a diverse and multi-cultural world.

Throughout the year, PGR families and the professionals who serve them engage with one another, providing learning opportunities and fostering lasting friendships among true peers. This engagement culminates in our annual gathering each summer. PG Retreat is a Project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center.

Seated Children

Scholarships - Financial Aid

When available, PGR may be able to help reduce the costs of retreat attendance for first time and returning members. Learn more about donating and (members only) scholarships.

Committees, Finances, Board Minutes

We organize ourselves through a variety of committees, and we operate in a transparent manner. Members can learn more about our committees (and how to join one), finances, and read the board minutes.

Communication & Contacts

For ongoing communication and support, we provide information and discussion through our web site and various online platforms. Once a member, connect with other families and members through our social networking page and connect with individuals directly through our directory (restricted to members).

  © PGRetreat 2010 - 2024

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